Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Article

First, I want to thank ya'll (they laugh at my ya'll up North-hey, I was ya'llen long before I moved to Boston or Wisconsin-the moment I crossed the Texas border, I was ya'llen again) for the lovely "welcome home(s)". Never sooo glad to be home...

Second, welcome Nancy, of Nancy's Notes...Hey, darlin, I live in Georgetown...not that far from Austin...we really must meet.

Third, is the isn't a big is in the "Georgetown View" , a small, but nice, monthly magazine, that is paid by subscriptions, but the good thing is it goes to the entire population of, here it is...again, no biggie, but if it brings in a little "bidness", as some of the older Texans say, I will be a happy lady.
If you double click the images, they will be easier to read. and then click again....The only really important correction to Alicia's article is: never fold a floorcloth...always roll it...very important.
Oh, and Raisenette's correct name spelling is Raisenette Funicello Buttafuco (he told me to please throw that in).
I am running away from home..the World Cup is on, and I cannot bear the "buzzing" thingies..more later.


  1. I left a comment, don't know where it went. lol Congratulations, this is a great article. Hope it brings you a lot of business. Do you know Kat from Emptynester, she lives in Georgetown and one of my dearest friends. Love that girl to death. Give her a hug for me. Her blog address is Stop by and say hello. Hugs, Marty

  2. Hey Jessica! Nice to meet you and thanks for following. I live in Georgetown, and I saw the article in Georgetown View. How wonderful! I had no idea that you had a blog. Welcome to blogland, and welcome back to Texas! Kat

  3. Marty,
    Thanks for the heads up on Kat's's wonderful..also, hoping to get to meet her, and when I do, I will hug her for you.
    I am walking around, dazed and confused since the trip..can't seem to catch up...
    Looking forward to sitting at the computer and reading all the backlogs on blogs.

  4. Kat,
    I do hope we have an opportunity to meet...I owe you a hug from Marty.
    Thanks for the welcome home..Texas has become my home, and I love it....that said, have much to catch up with since returning.
    Take care,

  5. I'm just now getting online to read the's great and I hope you are working on an order or two from it as I write this. I have an ad in the new Cowboys and Indians mag...we'll see what that brings as well. Take care!

  6. Angie,
    I love "Cowboys and Indians" magazine...I am sure there are people in this Country, who read our comments and think, "Cowboys and Indians"'s an interesting magazine....
    I do hope your ad brings business.
    Would so love to meet you one of these days.
