Yesterday, I decided to circle the room from the bedwall and shoot in sequence of each wall...This is one of my photographs...It's a portrait of my husband's grandmother; they called her "Marm"..she was a beautiful woman. This was taken in the early 1920's (the picture in the picture, that is).
The room only has two windows, that get the Western light, but the opposite end has french doors, that open onto our, I get East light in the morning, softened by sheers (photo to follow), and a porch with our ficus tree. Marm's portrait hangs over my glass night table...
The lampshade is temporary, and too short, as the other is a beautiful, pleated shade, with a liner that just crumbled in my hands one day, it was so old. I love the ivory lamp, sporting elephant heads on each side...trying to replace the liner...
I like the glass-topped metal based table because I have so many things I enjoy looking at when I awaken, and I need space for my magazines, books, glass of water, etc...The cherry bowl is one I painted, that I put my rings and earrings in upon going to sleep. The little, red-sequined shoes I bought for my grandaughter, Hannah, the day she was Kansas..."Oz slippers"...I told her mother I wanted them back when she outgrew them, and I will give them back to her when she marries (she's fourteen, so that will be awhile.

I found this bookcase in a shop on sale for $ was bright blue, so I painted it black...I have so many family photographs, and I have tried to contain them mostly in the bedrooms..some, I've put away, and rotate them through...Last I counted, there were 75! Again, if you enlarge the photo, you can see a very funny photo of my mother, being held by two, whacky police has his cap on backwards. Mama was a police dispatcher (this was taken in the late fifties) On the back, was a caption saying: "Notice" Wanted: Escaped from 2 officers in Russell (Kansas) 2-13-55, W F 26 5/7" 125 lbs.
My studio/office has two, large bookcases, filled with books, albums of magazine articles I've cut out and saved, but this one is my "night reading"..and magazines that I won't cut up...
I love my floral settee...I bought it twenty years ago in a department store, and it has held up pretty well, considering several of our cats thought it was a scratching post...Thank God for "Fray Check" (you can get it at Jo Anne's Fabrics". Above it is the only piece of art in the house that is a reproduction..the rest are originals, mostly mine, along with family photos...
I hate exposed, I put this box (Hobby Lobby), which holds old letters, etc., by my door, and put this rooster on it..He moves around alot...leftover from a photo shoot I styled for Springs/Graber Window Fashions...
Above him hangs, "Here a Chick"; a hand-colored black-and-white photo I did..I made the frame from leftover Waverly fabric, which were my window treatments, (sheets)...
Here, they are, between the door to the hallway and the French doors. When I found the house, it was three-quarters finished, and what made me fall in love with it (among other things) were the doors...and I did get to select the hardware.

The sheers on the French doors were some I made for a Parade home in Madison..I sewed crytals on the bottem to give them some weight...The box on the other side is my sewing box.
The tarnished, silver-plated box sports a Rhino, and holds my jar of hand cream (okay vaseline, but it's great for hands and feet, just before going to sleep...)
If you double-click on the image, you can enlarge it...there are three, little, glass scotties, and one, cream-colored larger one...I picked them up separately, but was delighted when I found out the large, cream one glows in the dark!
Black Hair - slender build
Wearing Green suit, black low shoes
Driving: 47 gray Nash 4 -door
My Mama died 20 years ago, at the age of 60, so I treasure this so. I still smile everytime I look at it.
Here, they are, between the door to the hallway and the French doors. When I found the house, it was three-quarters finished, and what made me fall in love with it (among other things) were the doors...and I did get to select the hardware.
It stands in the corner on the other side of the French doors...scared the hell out of my Gussie the first time she strolled into the room and found it...she came running out of the room..It took a bit of convincing that it wasn't a headless person. Next to it is my "Rogue's Gallery. That's my very handsome husband and his first communion photo...The dog with the "Raindog Antler's" is our beloved "Lizzie"...gone for so long now...The baby playing with her foot is "Moi".

I've been working for three days, trying to put the photos up, and write, but I keep losing my Internet Server, so things are a bit out-of-order...Now, I am starting from the other side of the Bed...Windows flank either side of the bed, so this is the opposite wall. Bear with me (this is long, are you drooling out of the corner of your mouth yet? Maybe, we need to take a break? It is a large room, with a triple-tray ceiling, which has too many can lights in it..need to someday change them out...someday....
The cane chest on the opposite side of the bed has a black basket (belongs to Gussie), and is covered with a fun tapestry I bought at a garage sale on my latest trip back to Madison...It has two terriers, barking at a black cat. My Raisen is sleeping on it right now.
I've been working for three days, trying to put the photos up, and write, but I keep losing my Internet Server, so things are a bit out-of-order...Now, I am starting from the other side of the Bed...Windows flank either side of the bed, so this is the opposite wall. Bear with me (this is long, are you drooling out of the corner of your mouth yet? Maybe, we need to take a break? It is a large room, with a triple-tray ceiling, which has too many can lights in it..need to someday change them out...someday....
The hand-painted, black-and-white portrait is the only existing photograph of my family. My father is in his police uniform (he was shot in the line of duty not long after it was taken), I am on his lap, my Mama is sitting on one arm of the chair, and my sister is on the other....It's the first thing I look at every morning...I tell them I love them..and I miss them (even my sister, as I have no idea where she is).
The little mirror hanging from the ribbon is my "touch up makeup mirror"..the light is good there in the morning.
The little mirror hanging from the ribbon is my "touch up makeup mirror"..the light is good there in the morning.
This is becoming tiresome, so I will fast-forward a bit..Photo by Moi...Bunnies I love, glass jewelry box, all on a marble-topped Queen Anne table.

This hangs over the settee...I treasure it so...It was done by my son, Shawn, when he was barely seven-years-old...It says:
This hangs over the settee...I treasure it so...It was done by my son, Shawn, when he was barely seven-years-old...It says:
SHAWN ALLEN (last name withheld)
My Mother is pretty. She helps me with my homework. She is a good cook.
As a matter of fact she is a beautiful cook. She is
a good artist too. I love her too. She loves me too.
If there is ever a reason (God forbid) to have to evacuate the house in a hurry, these are the things that would be going with me (along with the cats)...The rest can be replaced....