I am having such difficulties with the mechanics of this blog, that I am tempted to shut it down and start over, but am also sure it would still be a problem...cannot see photos, cannot use colors, etc..But, I so wanted to post these photos of Baby Olivia that I took last week. She was a perfect baby; the sun was shining, and their home was dark, so we stripped her down (it was 78 degrees), and took her outside. Never a peep out of her...she just went with the flow...what a sweet child.
When photographing infants, or children for that matter, you have to work fast, for once they melt down, it's pretty much over..unless you want a photo of a screaming child. Babies have that natural grasping thing, so she just hung on to that rose for dear life. I'd like to say she smelled her first rose, but the scent has been taken away by years of hybridization..which is why I love old roses.....
She did seem a bit startled by having this rose in her hand, and probably was just reacting to a new stimuli, but to me, she seemed a bit in awe of it..
I took some wonderful photos of the three of them (mommy, daddy, and Olivia) together, but won't post those...it's there private moments I am protecting...
That said, these three photos are copyrighted (written)? and will become part of my "Here a Chick" greeting card line....
I am off to the health club to walk five miles...I did my first "Zumba" class yesterday...Latin Dancing and Belly Dancing...terrible at both, but had fun!
Life is good....