Sunday, August 1, 2010

Today..Hot..Tomorrow...Hot...and Salado

Hot! Hot! and more hot...104 actual degrees, and who knows what the heat index was/is...

I decided to make a trip twenty miles north of Georgetown, Texas to Salado...I stated as much on my facebook, and my friend, Cam, who is so witty, asked...what is Salado - is it a restaurant, a salad??? It's a destination...a historical, small town, full of shops, galleries, and thankfully, has a river (shallow) that runs through it....

It was so hot (Greek Chorus here..."How hot was it?") that when I poured out the bit of bottled water that I had left in my car, it nearly scalded my hand (okay, I was rinsing my hand because I had a wonderful -only one-chocolate delicacy, and was rinsing off the evidence).

It was so hot, that I only got to about half of what I wanted to shoot, along with the fact that it is Sunday, and with the economy, the heat, and families that just want to spend Sunday together, many shops were closed. Also, some of the shops that I wanted to photograph were being watched over by employees, who didn't have the position (read owner) to allow or disallow photos...I did have to laugh, as one woman refused me (which is fine), but she was rather unpleasant, saying "we can't have you stealing our ideas"...I looked around and thought, "Darlin', first, most of your "stuff" comes from China, and "B", if I had to steal these ideas, I may as well shoot myself in the head"....I do respect that some don't want photos taken, but I am polite, and they might try to be, as well...most were gracious, acommodating, and some, I just sat down with and had a great talk....I do love Texans (mostly).

I was rather taken aback by a sign by the side of the road reading: Concealed Handgun Classes, and a telephone number..scary.

But then, Texas is a wonderous place..when I recover from heatstroke, I will post "Salado, Part I)..


  1. It was incredibly hot today, I'm impressed that you ventured out and about in it. Salado is a neat little place to get some great photos. Love this of the kids playing in the river. Hope you've recovered from the heat. Kat

  2. Kat, My Dear,
    A cold, Corona Light, a dinner (my husband made it) of grilled eggplant, tomatoes, and mozzarella(sp)..with a garlic-olive oil dressing and fresh basil from our pathetic garden...and I am fine. We must meet.

  3. Hi Jess!
    I can't wait to see the photos. I usually sneak pictures with my phone camera. I can't believe someone would say "no pics". It's HOT here too. Crazy HOT. But we have been having a little cooler nights. It's been a blessing. But then again...the humidity is good for our skin..right? I always wonder what mine would look like if I had still lived in So. Cal.
    It's so dry out there, and I need all the help I can get!
    Thanks for stopping by! I soooo wish we lived closer too.

  4. Kelly, Darlin',
    I can't figure out my phone camera...I keep taking photos of the inside of my purse!
    The woman was almost funny, as her shop (and I do try to be kind..sometimes, I just can't help myself) was nothing I would want to "steal ideas from"..puleeze...that said, I am sure someone loves it...kind of "funereal"..
    dark, overstuffed, depressing...
    Takes all kinds...
    Too hot to sleep, so I'm going to start posting on the blog...
    We could get into lots of trouble together...I can tell:)
