Hmmmmmm hummmm hummm hummm...hummm hummmhm ...and whiskers on kittens, hummm m hummhmm, hummm hummm and mittens, bright paper packages, tied up in strings, these are a few of my favorite things.....I suppose I could Google the words to Julie Andrews, singing in "The Sound of Music"..but, I'm too lazy.I have a lovely home...I have lovely things....and even though my life is far from perfect, I am a very fortunate woman. I am not a "status" status McMansion, no fancy car (I drive Aunt Lily's big ol' Buick). I have pretty jewelry, but not diamonds and emeralds..I wear mostly my turquoise and silver (much of it passed down from my mother), and my clothes are nice, but I buy many of them at resale (albeit nice resale) shops...All that said, I do have some things that I love..things that I shall never tire of (at least, I don't think so)..some things that bring me great pleasure. I have inherited fine china, silver, crystal, and I love setting a lovely table. I stand to inherit more of the same...I can remember coveting such things, but I would much rather have the people from whom I inherit....So, I thought I'd share some of my favorite things...(okay, my darling Gussie is not a "thing", but the I couldn't resist the line from the song...) This is my girl as a baby...just "hanging out"...I cherish this photo...
I love the pair of etched-crystal vases, circa 1930's, that were given to me by my mother-in-law..I love the lily...I love the set of gold-and-red embossed books of the classics, that I bought years ago, one a month, when my husband was in graduate school and we were broke...I love the photo (hand-colored, black-and-white, by moi)...
I love the sheep that hangs over my says on him, "carry an umbrella when you see this flying fella"...that's a vintage child's hat, with cherries on it, that I often put on my "subjects" during my portrait photography days...The sheep hangs over my Country French, carved pine bed, and the wonderful, red reading lamp is a new aquisition from Tuesday Morning...paid all of fourteen dollars for it. I love to lie in bed at night and write my novel(s)...I have tried writing on the computer, but I need to put pen to paper for some reason...nightime is my writing time.
I love the feather-trimmed silk, red pillow....even though one of my precious cats has damaged the back a bit..sigh.
Speaking of precious cats damaging my things...this was one of my favorite, silk, plaid was $75.00 a yard, and I loved killed it..don't ask how...I love the faux-fur, red throw (read "woobie) I keep at the foot of the bed to pull over me during the night...ala "Target"..
When I went to New England School of Art and Design in Boston, I took a faux finishing course..this screen was my final project...(got an A)..This was back in the day, before all the synthetic materials (which are much better for you) came out...I learned the old-world methods, and am glad I did...It is in my dining room, hiding my sewing machine in the corner....
When I was doing a photo shoot for Springs/Graber Window Fashions, (I did the photostyling), I acquired this the time, he was white resin, but I "tarted him up", so, he came home with me. On July 4th, he sports an American flag. The rest of the time, he's in my laundry room....
These two, antique bunnies (I think they are circa 1920's), are horse-hair, straw-stuffed, and I believe they have been much loved...Poor Rupert (I named them Rupert and Nora) only has one ear, and Nora's gown is bedraggled, but somehow, making her a new one just wouldn't be the same..Rupert sports such a fabulous outfit...When I was doing children's portraits, they were the secret I would pull out of the bag when the children melted down..worked every time...they are the subject of my children's book in progress (okay, it's been in progress for way too long)..The smaller bunnie is Peter Rabbit..belonged to my husband when he was a baby. The cloche is always changing...and I love my fun, little Easter animals...the duck's wings flap..
I love making herbed vinegars...steeping the herbs in vinegar, bottling them, and making hand-made tags, embellished with pressed pansies from the garden...
The photograph hangs in my bedroom ("Grace", hand-colored, black-and-white..again by "moi), and I used wall covering to cover the hat box...I have boxes everywhere...stashing photos, letters, and momentos...
Sunflowers in blue-and-white china....