Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My Rain Dance Worked!!!!!!

Let's hear it, folks in Central Texas!!!! You may now thank me for doing my Cherokee rain dance yesterday in my back yard....Okay, fine, it took twenty-four hours, but hey, it's raining, raining, raining!!!!

Ran out on my front porch, stuck my tongue out, and caught a few raindrops, but suddenly, a big, ugly-looking wasp strafed me, so back in I came.
This is the fire pit around which I did my "Cherokee Rain Dance"...keep in mind, this was before everything turned brown....
I am going to get my second cup of coffee, and sit on my back porch and smell the rain....

1 comment:

  1. Please do a rain dance for us here in Melbourne Australia. We are having a big dry, but lately a few welcome wet days. Even the weather girl on TV has been announcing rainy forecasts with extra cheerful excitement.

    I am coffee craving myself, have not had my daily dose of soy cappuccino since wednesday. Am going out today to see the GP who will check on my foot/leg plaster. I will then make an effort to get to a cafe for my fix.

    I may take my camera out with me and see what I can see. Your blog has given me inspiration. I enjoyed seeing your images although will need to spend more time to see and read it all.

    You said you prefer overcast days for photographs whereas i prefer bright sunny days when colours are more intense and there are more heavily contrasting shadows to be caught.

    In fact my mum just said 'we better go before it starts raining'.. rain is definitely an ongoing issue. I better get ongoing too.


