I started this blog as an Interior Designer....I've shared all my design portfolio, and quite frankly, I've changed my style over the past year(s)
I shared some of my "crafty stuff"...my photography....my art....but, not really myself...I tend to hold the world at arm's length....
Although some are quite interesting and pretty, I don't usually like to grab images, or even scan the images that I've cut out of magazines and saved over the years (I have a couple of dozen binders, overflowing with wonderful photos, recipes, craft ideas, art instruction..you name it, I've got it.
I don't comment on current events....I don't throw the "f" bomb in now-and-then, just to show how "f"ing cool I am...
I love fashion...I love history...I love music...I love good writing...
I feel I've "been there, done that, and bought the t-shirt"...so, now what?
Maybe tomorrow, I'll grab my camera and head for the hills...maybe tomorrow, I'll master the art of french macaroons with raspberry-rose buttercream....maybe tomorrow, I'll write an entire chapter for my novel......maybe tomorrow, I'll finish that watercolor...maybe tomorrow, I'll make beautiful hand-made picture frames....
I recently dislocated my thumb...(and that was the GOOD one)...I have a brace on it...I have another brace for the other thumb and wrist...this pretty much slows me down...but...maybe tomorrow....
I do know that I don't want to be BORING...to a Gemini, that is a fate worse than death...
Tune in and see what tomorrow brings...