Please forgive my absence, and my short post....I have been ill, and still am...some sort of virus, which is debilitating to the point that I just want to sleep (and eat)..I could be on my deathbed, and I'd be hungry! Went to the doc, and he said, "there's alot of that going around" ..oh well. Autumn in Texas doesn't mean vibrant colors in the means 80's in temps, which is so good for here, and pumpkins outside the grocery store - next to the watermelons...but, I am enjoying it. I will try to come back more frequently...meantime...enjoy the season.
Oh, and this...well, I love peonies anytime of the year.....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Some may notice I've recently changed this profile,simply because life changes...I've become a Texan through- and just outside of the wonderful city of Austin...Since moving here five years ago, I've become who I was before I left the South (having lived in Boston, Wisconsin, et al), where things are not as relaxed. I love it here.
I have always been involved in the arts..Interior Design, Photography, Photo Styling, Artist, Floral Designer, Gardener, writer...That's the ETC. in my business, and in my life...also, being a Gemini, I can happily move back-and-forth; for me, change is good...death is doing the same thing day in and day out....welcome to my world...